On this page you will find an easy tutorial on how to draw a palm tree.

How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial

How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial

Draw a curved elongated rectangle that tapers off at the top, and draw three small circles there.


How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial

Next, we draw 5 lines from the circles directed in different directions.

How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial

Now draw the leaves from the base of the line that were ruled by drawing a curve that ends at the other end of the line.

How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial

Now, for the sake of believability, to make the drawing realistic, we make small notches on the drawn curves.


How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial

Continuing to draw zigzags on curves

Our easy lesson comes to an end :  “How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial”

How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial

 Now the last one we draw horizontal lines on the trunk

Our tree is ready!

Thank you for watching our great and easy tutorial: “How to draw a palm tree: easy tutorial”

Also on the topic of easy tree drawing lessons, you can view:

How to draw a tree: easy lesson part 1

How to draw a tree: easy lesson part 2

How to draw a Christmas tree step by step, easy 6 step tutorial

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